Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Salary Increase

Now, let's talk about money. Darn it!

Tomorrow would be our payday and usually, evening before that, salary will be posted already on our Online Payslip. I checked it out so that I can start my budgeting for this cutoff and.. I was surprised. It was higher than what I expected. So, I checked out the details.

ND Retro Pay?
OT Retro Pay?
Salary Adjustment?
What's all this?!?!

I thought ITR has been given already but on second thought, I don't think they're gonna give it the same day with salary. Then I started computing when I saw these things. I had my 2nd anniversary at work last October. I'm glad the salary adjustment came in earlier than expected but.. wait!! *looked at basic pay* My salary only increased for 700?! or let's say, 702.50?? UNFAIRR!! I think I wanna look at my job offer before.

*looking for the doc*

**asked Mama**

Darn it. She forgot where she put it and I forgot as well! :(


I found it! But hell, it doesn't include here that salary will be increase for 1k after 2 years of stay at work. :( It includes here that my basic will be increase for 1k after 6months (regularization) and then another 1k after 1 year of service. After that? NONE! :( Why did I not ask about it before? :( The joy of having a work? Excitement of being offered a job? For the first time? *sigh*

Now... It's all useless. I won't rant anymore. Psh. At least, there was still a 700 bucks increase. Right? *sigh*




It's really useless! Tss. My PAF (Performance? Anuualization? Form?) grade before was 3.2 and the highest is 4.0 and I got an increase for 1,100 instead of just 1k. (If you got the passing grade of 3.0, that's where you'll get the 1k increase) And now that I got a 3.6 grade, I only got 700 bucks increase?? WHAT THE?!

*inhale exhale*

Sayang energy.. Yaan mo na nga! Pera lang un! Psh.


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