And here's my top 2 pick:
1) Jacket
I wanna wear a jacket, alone. I wanna wear one, with nothing underneath. But of course, I won't be roaming around like go shopping and stuffs - but it sounds cool. Hahaha! I would wanna wear it and go to my boyfriend's place and TA-DAH! Surprise! I'll bet that he'll get hot, just in case. =D
BUT I don't wanna experience the one I saw in a trailer of a movie. The girl went to the boy's pad, say sorry and open her jacket, revealing her nude body. Just to find out that her boy's friend is actually there -- at the living room and saw her body as well. Major boo boo! I don't wanna experience that! That may be the most embarrassing moment.. ever! Just in case it happen to me! =s
2) Skirt
I remember boyfriend saying to me that he wanna go out with me, wearing a skirt and a top, and that's it! He wants me to wear the skirt with no undies! Then, he was planning that we'll watch a movie or stroll. Maybe he thinks it's sexy, and I bet it is. I'm just not that comfortable with the thought. Or let's say, I need to plan it well before I do such. I should do it after my period. Or a week after so that.. insert-gross-things-here. Argh! Just by thinking about it, makes me wanna cover my face in case it'll happen!
Actually, I'm planning to do it later. But I guess, it's a bad idea for now. I still feel hot all over since yesterday! Maybe because my period will be coming already within the day or two that's why my libido is so high. ARGH.
Good luck to me then! I really wish I'll be able to do those things. I'm excited to do that! I already thought what jacket to wear.. plus boots! I already have a perfect skirt for the second one but.. I really need to plan big time for that.
Wish me luck, okay? Ciao!
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