Huhu.. Can you kill me now? I'm really not feeling well. I hate first days! The only good thing about it is because I was not delayed and I have my period! Psh.
I want a hot compress. I want a massage. I wanna have my period at boyfriend's house. Know why? Because he really takes care of me. He really cares. He really do whatever that can ease the pain. Right now, I just want a hug. I wanna feel like crying. ='(
Oh yeah, here's the time of the month that I can be insecure, irritated easily, release all of my bad moods and such. Is it good? Err. At least I can be pampered as well. I wish. But I hate it that he's not here right now. :(
Blah. Blah. Blah.
Basta.. I just hate this feeling!!!
Can I be absent later?
Can this be an excuse? =D
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