IDK why but I just feel so loved whenever he kiss me on the forehead. I know it's just like "just friends" or something "motherly". But with me, it's more of "respect", "loved" and "I'll take care of you" thing. Ohh.. I really miss him. :( I miss those kisses on the forehead that is just oh-so-unexpected.
I asked him once why he loves kissing me on the forehead, he simply said that it's easier. Haha! Coz when we're beside each other, we're not of the same height that it's pretty easier to kiss me on the forehead than going down to my lips. :)) And whenever we're lying down in bed, I usually stay on his broad chest. I really love to stay there. I just feel so comfortable and feel so loved whenever he hug me. It's like, "I can stay here forever."
Hihi.. Cheesy much! :)
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