It's really a nice movie. Something about hoping and trusting in your instincts. It's funny and cute how she say things that if this will happen, my wish will happen. It makes your hopes high, isn't it?
And yeah, I really waited for boyfriend to come over and have the time to watch it before I watch it. I promised myself that I'll be watching it with him and it was worthy. :) I wonder how many movies will we watch together. I hope... a lot! We're not that into watching movies.. like how his sisters are addicted to. But I hope that this year, we'll be more of movie buffs! Just thinking about it, I remember that The Gulliver's Travel 3D will be showing next week already. I wanna watch it! But.. we need to save for our Star City date next week as well. Hmmm..
Hey, got a trivia for you. Know what? I never been to Star City! Just like I always said, I'm an Enchanted Kingdom baby.. and not Star City! I've been to the former Boom na Boom as well but really not Star City.. even though it's nearer. I don't know. Maybe because of it's open hours? It usually opens on an afternoon til midnight. Unlike EK that opens as early as 10am.
Anyhoo, back to A Very Long Engagement, will I really feel that? That kind of feeling that you do know in your heart if your partner is still alive or not? That if he died, you'll know as well? Maybe it's the connection between you two. I don't know, but maybe I'll feel that as well. Why am I into romantics, lately? Haha! The book that I'm reading, "Around the World in 80 Dates" is about love as well. It's about a girl looking for her soul mate. And due to this, I'm wondering as well. Did I find my soul mate already? Is it my beloved boyfriend? I bet so. I really feel that he's "The One". They said that you'll feel it as well. That there's this connection between you two that you can't hide. That you have the same body language and you two tends to finish each sentences. I don't know if we both have that kind of thing. But I really feel that he's "The One". Please let him be?
Hahaha! I'm becoming such a romantic again.. revolving my world about love. Isn't it just wonderful?
P.S. If you're reading this boyfriend, or if in case you stumble upon this blog of mine again, please always remember that I love you. I really do. :) Kiss me once your done reading this, okay? Just to let me know that you read it. Haha! I'm just wondering when will that be. :)
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