Sunday morning (madaling araw), I was rushed to the hospital. During the evening, I kept on waking up due to diarrhea until it hurts so bad already. :( Usually, I do have toilet visit whenever I don't have a blanket wrapped on my stomach and air kept on going through it. It makes my tummy ache and ask for some appointment (hehe) to see the throne. But yesterday was different. It was very painful to the extent that I was crying. I kept on crying because of pain. :( Good thing was, R was there. It was one of his sleepovers. Saturday going Sunday morning. He kept on holding my hand and trying to make me calm but it hurts real bad that we went to Mom to wake her up. I wanted to be rush to the hospital.. for the first time. It's some bearable pain anymore. 1 hour pain? 1 hour crying? I just can't take it anymore.
Mom asked R to drive the Tamaraw but he was afraid. I'm not really sure as well if he can do it since he told me last week that he's afraid of driving it if Mom will be riding as well. Automatic car, sure. Just some jitters on his end but some old manual car? I doubt it. So, at 230AM, we hailed a cab and asked to be rush to the hospital. Sickness? Acute gastroentiritis.. that I believe I mentioned several times already. Hehe!
At aroung 5AM, I was discharged already. ^^ Hell, first time! I'm just grateful R was really there. He kept on making me laugh.. especially when I fart. :))
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